May 17, 2017 · Open the "Options" button from the hamburger menu in the top right corner of the Firefox browser, click the "Security" tab from the left corner and "Make sure Save Passwords in Firefox" is checked; double check what sites are automatically being saved from the "Saved Logins" button from this page.
2009-9-9 · in option of firefox go to security and save your pass word.but it it better never save any pass word in the browser,for security reason.if you are having any banking or financial transactions,purchases through your p.c it would be dangerous.what it is there to take a few seconds to type password when and where required.always be on safe side.this is my experience.i was cheated.hope you understand Firefox Browser: Fast, Easy Password Manager Firefox Password Manager saves all your passwords in one place so you can automatically login to sites, or retrieve saved passwords. Firefox To Remember Password / Logins | MajorGeeks.Com
Jun 29, 2020 · Bitwarden is the easiest and safest way to store all of your logins and passwords while conveniently keeping them synced between all of your devices. Password theft is a serious problem. The websites and apps that you use are under attack every day. Security breaches occur and your passwords are stolen. If using Mozilla Firefox do the following: 1. open the Mozilla Firefox browser 2. click on Tools from the main menu bar 3. check box “Remember passwords for sites” 4. click on OK at bottom of page. Remember this is not substitute for writing down your user name and password and storing it in a safe place. Browsers crash as well as computers. Jul 21, 2020 · Whenever you log into a website, the Firefox’s Remember Password prompt will appear on the screen, asking you if you want to remember the website’s username and password. This process saves your time, and you don’t have to remember all the passwords for the numerous websites you visit. It is a useful feature, but it also has its cons. Do a clean reinstall of Firefox this way. 1. Download a new Firefox set up file and save it to the desktop 2. Close Firefox completely 3. Do NOT uninstall Firefox that's not needed 4. Go to Program Files (on a 64 bit system) AND Program Files (x86) and change the name of both files (both if two) to: C:\Program Files\OldFirefox
Every Internet browser has the ability to remember previously entered passwords. Typically, the application asks if you want to save, modify or remember the password for the current site. It may facilitate logging in to some pages, but typically if you share the computer with other people you will not want to have your password saved. In Mozilla® Firefox® you have the option to turn off this
Firefox Browser: Fast, Easy Password Manager Firefox Password Manager saves all your passwords in one place so you can automatically login to sites, or retrieve saved passwords.