Nov 19, 2016
The error was: "This operation returned because the Oct 29, 2013 This operation returned because the timeout period expired Jan 10, 2014 This operation returned because the timeout period expired This operation returned because the timeout period expired. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800705B4) OS - Win10 Version - 14393 My device is connected through proxy. I have white listed some URLs by using below link but still have issue. white listed This operation returned because the timeout period expired
Jun 16, 2009
Updates Timing Out on Most Workstations - Patch My PC May 01, 2019
Mar 17, 2015 · Situation: The client attempts to create a failover cluster but it failed with these errors: This operation returned because the timeout period expired and The server is not operational. Both nodes also have the following Event IDs.
The caller doesn’t have to keep any timer because the timeout is set in the provider layer. But if the query fails, the caller doesn’t really know how long it took and if it was a timeout or not. In OLE DB terms, this property is called DBPROP_COMMANDTIMEOUT on the DBPROPSET_ROWSET object. Can't import files to computer HELP - GoProFanatics Nov 29, 2015 Veeam ONE Monitor performance data collection times out Dec 15, 2017 Windows 2008 Failover Clustering – Adding a Second Node Aug 03, 2009